Thursday, January 2, 2014

My parents' first try on Visa Interview

Technically it's my father's first try and second for my mom. My mom's first was denied. I'm not sure why she was denied but back then she was still at work in Texas Instruments. Now, both of my parents are retired... though my father now 60 years old or a senior citizen, still continues to be a missionary pastor as long as he can...

Well, I was able to be part of preparing them to apply for Visa going to US, where my brother & his family resides in North Carolina. He was the one who paid and will be paying my parent's needs since both of them have no real income and that includes me as of now.

So first thing is first, we had to apply online. I've searched and researched on how to apply for a visa. And unlike last time with my mother, this time, every thing is online. Even the forms to fill up is online. Filling up the form online was lengthy and somewhat funny at the end. Funny? because I got to read a question like asking if my parents were terrorist... well I don't know if that is logical or something.. but anyway, that doesn't matter much. So I had to fill-up their forms online, filling up their details of course as true as it should be. Sometimes there are details that needs to be confirmed, so I get to save the details first then back to it after the details are final. You get a code for the form that you fill-in so you could retrieve it when you need it again.

After filling up the form, you will have to print a given form or paper. I think it's a means of confirming you've filled up the form. From which you will have to bring this form with you before you go for Interview. You can also print out the filled up form, but that wouldn't be needed at the interview. It might be simply for your use if needed.

Then, paying up for the fees would be next. Just follow the given instructions by the websites. if I remember it right, my parents should have different voucher or invoice to be paid. Then we went to BPI bank to pay for it. After which will be given receipt of payment which would again be used for designating the date of interview.

We then had to pick out the interview date online. Before doing so, we had to register into a website and needs only one account for my parents. After registering, it has to be identified that my parents will be interviewed together. And after, we picked up the date.

On that day, we have to be early going to Manila from Baguio. The scheduled time was 6:30 a.m. and we were there, I think 5:00 a.m. So we have to wait...

What caught my attention was what I saw there.... there were already people lining up with chairs.... There were people talking and instructing them about many things... giving them tips. And offered ballpens, photographs, chairs... etc.. of course with an amount to pay... Then I was informed that they weren't actually employees but simply people looking for ways  and means to earn... here are some pics I got...

As you can see, they were letting their chairs to be for rent... new comers might think it was for free, so when they sit on and after using it, they would be asking you for a fee. There were those who would sell ballpen, my mother thought she would need it... but guess again... she didn't use it.... There's this lady who was sharing experiences of previous applicants, trying to instruct them many things about what would happen in the inside. Instructing them to smile, etc... As if she knew much more than the people in the US embassy.. after the interview of applicants some would pass, some wouldn't ... to those who passed, she would ask them to free her some snack or something... to those who didn't she would entertain them and ask details... probably infos that she would be sharing on next applicants.... In our tongue, we call this "chismis"...

So that's a glimpse of the early preparations before the interview of my parents. My mother, due to past experience was I'm sure nervous... She was instructing my father many things on what to say and what not to say.... Whereas, my father was careless about it simply entrusting to God whatever happens. After hearing the initial interview of the other applicants, my mother said to my father, I think we'll be denied. There were questions that were asked about businesses and income, etc. But when it was their time to be interviewed, my mother was the one mostly answered the questions with a yes or no. If I'm right, the consul was simply asking questions to confirm if the details submitted were true or not. And if I'm right, these are trained people to sense whether one is telling the truth or not. Just a guess, cause the questions I've heard my parents shared to me was just as the same details we filled up online. Afterwards, the consul only took the first page of the form which was printed after I filled up their application online. The consul never asked for other documents for that matter. My mother even took all documents she thought was needed. Anyway.. better prepared than never.... So that's it! My parents passed the interview!

Not  really sure what are the tips or what but, I think one has to really understand instructions well enough... By the way, they haven't even used the photos they took along with them... Oh well..... that's just an experience of my parents for their Visa Interview. And one thing I'm reminded of and probably a good lesson from it, "If it's God's will, it's God's will!" Cheers!

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